Wednesday, November 6, 2013

This is right up my alley...What to do with juicing pulp!

Juicing...the latest craze, but oh so yummy!  

In my own juicing extravaganza, I came up with ways to utilize the pulp left over from juicing.  There is just so much of it!  Luckily, I have a dehydrator and was able to make some simple crackers with the pulp as well as add it to soup stock for a nice veggie soup.  

I was so excited to come across this article today from Eating Well.  They have some other great ideas on what to do with all that pulp!  

It's so nice to be able to use all that fiber instead of filling up you trash can with it.  

Happy juicing and then cooking!


  1. I think you can add it to mulch too, right?

  2. solveig and I have a juicer too, what is your favorite recipe?

  3. Yep, you can definitely add it to your compost pile.
    My favorite juice is with kale, ginger, lemon, cucumber, and beet. Sometimes I'll jazz it up and do it with an orange and carrot as well. Super yummy!
